The ABC’s to Daily Joy

Yesterday we covered 3 Simple Strategies to Attaining Perpetual Joy. They are to #1 Accept the Gift of Joy, #2 Think Our Way to Joy, and #3 Act Our Way to Joy.

Today let’s talk tactics. A couple of quick definitions first.

Strategies are key areas of focus used to beat the competition. Winning for our purposes is achieving an unconditional and lasting state of joy. The competition prefers us to be sad, lonely, empty, and in a constant state of despair. Our opponent is called the prince of darkness for very good reasons.

Tactics are specific steps taken to implement strategies and assure the win. For instance, to accept the gift of joy all we need to do is to truly have faith. Remember, our level of joy is equal to our level of faith. Have faith, get joy … winning!

As it relates to thinking and acting our way to joy, there is one tactic I have found that always gives me an immediate sense of relief and joy. It is to focus only on what we can control.

So what can we control? Let’s start with what we can’t control. We can’t control the past as it has already happened. And we can’t control the future as it is yet to come. We can do our part to influence it, be we can’t control what happens, especially the big stuff. And finally, we can’t control other people.

So what does that leave under our complete control? Just ourselves and the present moment. This realization was a relief to me. By focusing on myself and the present I have no more regrets about the past or worries about the future. I can’t control them, so why fret about them? Instead I just need to focus on the here and now. Whew, I can do that!

More specifically, we can all only really control our attitude and our behavior. We can choose our attitude and our behavior at any moment in time using our God-given freewill. We are only in control when we are free to choose. Thank God for that privilege.

Of course my next revelation was that I don’t really even feel in control of myself. Do you?

I mean seriously, there are things I know I should do but I don’t do them, and others I know I shouldn’t do that I do anyway. Like every day, maybe every minute of every day.

But the first step in solving a problem is realizing we have one, right?! So I’ve got that going for me. And hey, I must not be alone. Check this out:

What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate. Romans 7:15

Maybe the tactic should be revised to, focus on the things you can control, and actually control them … you idiot! (I’m talking to myself here, feel free to talk to yourself as you see fit).

Anyway, I call this the ABC tactic where “A” stands for Attitude, “B” is for Behavior, and “C” means Choice. Using ABC just helps me remember that my attitude and behaviors are choices that I have complete control over making.

I could go on and use DEFG (Do Everything For Good) to H (get your Halo) and I (I am a saint), JKL (just kidding, laughing) … sorry, this could go on, just amusing myself, thanks for your patience … it’s a virtue you know.

Anyway, trying to control anything beyond ourselves is a complete waste of time and effort which typically leads to mental anguish and wasted energy. There is no joy in that!

This is why we were so joyful as kids. We were living in the present, focused on what we could control, and leaving the rest up to our parents. We had an attitude of fun and behaved accordingly, choosing to have a good time with our friends all day long.

It all starts with attitude. Attitude drives behavior. Therefore we must choose our attitude wisely.

Let’s choose to have an attitude of:

  • Gratitude – Be satisfied and content with your current situation, no matter what it is. Because regardless of what is going on, there is always something to be grateful for. We only need to briefly recall all of the good in our lives for an immediate sense of joy.
  • Faith – While we focus on what we can control, have faith that all else is in the hands of God and that everything will be okay in the end.
  • Understanding and Forgiveness – Choose to see the best in people. Realize that everyone you encounter is going through something difficult. Give them the attention and grace we are given from above. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others.
  • Appreciation – Notice and celebrate the small things, we can find them all around us when we are actively looking. They make me smile.
  • Joy – No matter what. We can always choose to be and feel joyful. It’s simple, not easy, but easier with practice, time, and again, faith.

That’s it. ABC your way to joy. Focus only on what you control, your attitude and behavior in the present moment. Start with attitude which drives behavior. Choose wisely. And leave all else up to God. Have faith, no worries, get joy!

Last thing, when you feel yourself being less than joyful, ask yourself why. Chances are it’s because you are focused on something beyond your control. Then snap yourself back into an attitude of gratitude for a quick reset, regaining full control.

In summary – Focus only on what you can Control, your Attitude, Behavior, and Choices. Leave the rest up to God in full Faith.

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